Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Middle School Comic Book Club

Working Together to Learn a New Art Form

The middle school students are just as excited as the elementary students to learn about Manga comics, as well as to share what they know with others about some of the comic books/anime characters that I am not as familiar with.

During these past 5 sessions we have learned how to draw eyes, noses, mouths, hair, and body types in the Manga style.  At this point the students have begun to develop their main character (many of which have supernatural abilities) and their backstory.  They are quickly learning that in order for their characters to seem relatable and interesting their readers are going to need to know why the character is acting in a particular way.

Keep checking online to see how our characters and their stories progress!

Newsletter for the parents!

Elementary Comic Book Club

Learning a new style of art!

During these past two years at Pullen I have seen so many students come through my classroom doors ready and excited to learn a new concept or technique.  Of course paint is and will always be a top contender in favorite topics and materials, but it wasn't until I tried a mini lesson with my fifth grade classes that I saw where most of their interests lied.  

The fifth grade classes loved the mini lesson so much, that I thought why not turn this into a club where students who have a lot of interest in this particular topic can come to learn and create!

Over the past 4-5 sessions that students have learned to draw in the style of Manga.  
They have learned how to draw different styles of eyes, noses, mouths, hair, and body types.  All of these little units have helped them to begin developing their own original character that will star in it very own comic strip!

Continue to follow our progress online as our ideas become finalized and our characters stories are told.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Third Grade Self Portraits

Concepts Covered:
- Element of Art Space (focus on creating depth in a work of art)
- Principle of Design Pattern (recreating the patterns seen on the bottom of their shoes)
- Warm vs. Cool Colors (shoes created in warm colors, clothing created in cool colors)

The students started by tracing their hands(at the top) and their feet (at the bottom).

To focus on the Principle of Design Pattern the students looked at the patterns on the bottom of their shoes  and they could draw the patterns they saw on the soles of their shoes or they could make up their own patterns.
Next came the fun part of demonstrating their wonderful knowledge of proper marker color technique and the differences between warm and cool colors combinations.
Student Examples Coming Soon!